Thursday, July 10, 2014

Avian Feeding Frenzy with Anchovies on the Menu

Just south of the southern end of Imperial Beach, the feasting continued today. I arrived around 1:30 pm or so, and watched the masses of terns, gulls, pelicans and shearwaters circling and diving, with many floating on the water.

By about 2:30 most of this mass had dispersed.

One anchovy washed ashore - surprising that so few seemed to make it to the sand, considering the chaos just off the beach.

The mass of birds at a slight distance.

This was about the peak of activity that I observed. Coronado Islands in the background.

At this point many of the birds were just a couple dozen feet out from the sand, with some right at the shore's edge. There were a few fish in the shallows in this spot.

The cause of all the fuss (or more accurately, this one's buddies offshore!).

There were small feathers all over the wet sand.

Looking towards the north, the line of terns and other birds went on well into the distance. 

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